7 Ways to Start Putting Yourself First

Putting yourself first is essential for your overall well-being and happiness. It allows you to prioritize your needs and take care of yourself, which in turn enables you to better support and care for others. If you’re finding it challenging to prioritize yourself, here are seven simple ways to start putting yourself first.

1. Learn to say ‘No’:
One of the most important ways to put yourself first is by learning to say ‘no’ when necessary [2]. Understand that you can’t please everyone all the time, and it’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Saying ‘no’ to certain requests that may jeopardize your mental or physical health is not selfish but necessary for self-care.

2. Create personal time for yourself:
Carve out dedicated time in your schedule, either daily or weekly, that is solely for doing something you love [2]. Whether it’s reading, listening to music, practicing a hobby, or simply relaxing, make sure to prioritize this “me” time. Additionally, incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine, such as getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals [2]

3. Learn to delegate tasks:
Recognize that you don’t have to do everything alone. Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, learn to delegate tasks to others [2]. Sharing responsibilities not only lightens your workload but also allows you to focus on what truly matters to you. Remember, it’s not necessary to burn yourself out by trying to do everything alone

4. Ask for help when necessary:
Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it [2]. You don’t have to be a lone ranger, and everyone needs support from others at times. Reach out to close friends and family when you need assistance, just as they would reach out to you in times of need.

5. Engage in regular physical activity:
Regular exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental well-being [2]. Choose an activity that you enjoy, such as hiking, yoga, or dancing, and make it a regular part of your routine. Physical activity helps reduce stress, boosts mood, and improves overall health.

6. Treat yourself with compassion:
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding [2]. Be gentle with yourself when things don’t go as planned and forgive yourself for mistakes, just as you would forgive others. Remember that you deserve love and compassion, and it’s important to extend that to yourself.

7. Set goals and pursue your passions:
Setting goals for yourself and working towards them is a powerful way to prioritize your own growth and happiness [2]. Whether it’s advancing in your career, learning new skills, or pursuing a personal passion, having goals gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Eliminate anything that distracts you from achieving your goals and embrace the journey of personal growth.

    Learn more:

    1. How to Put Yourself First: 13 Easy Ways to Take Care of You
    2. 7 ways to start putting yourself first
    3. The Truth About Self-Care And How to Put Yourself First – Everyday She Moms

    Author: MULUGETA WOLDETSADIK, Outreach Librarian/Information Professional-Library Books and Digital Resources Donation Projects Manager at Hawassa University, Ethiopia

    Mulugeta Woldetsadik, Outreach Librarian/Information Professional from Ethiopia, has a career spanning various libraries in Ethiopian educational institutions, from schools to universities. Currently, he collaborates with international donor organizations to boost book and digital resource donations. Dedicated to promoting information and digital literacy, he specifically targets libraries in primary and secondary schools and participates in community outreach programs. His work is vital in improving access to information and technology and highlighting the educational resources and services provided by libraries in rural areas of Ethiopia's Sidama region.

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