7 Ways to Start Putting Yourself First

Putting yourself first is essential for your overall well-being and happiness. It allows you to prioritize your needs and take care of yourself, which in turn enables you to better support and care for others. If you’re finding it challenging to prioritize yourself, here are seven simple ways to start putting yourself first.

1. Learn to say ‘No’:
One of the most important ways to put yourself first is by learning to say ‘no’ when necessary [2]. Understand that you can’t please everyone all the time, and it’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Saying ‘no’ to certain requests that may jeopardize your mental or physical health is not selfish but necessary for self-care.

2. Create personal time for yourself:
Carve out dedicated time in your schedule, either daily or weekly, that is solely for doing something you love [2]. Whether it’s reading, listening to music, practicing a hobby, or simply relaxing, make sure to prioritize this “me” time. Additionally, incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine, such as getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals [2]

3. Learn to delegate tasks:
Recognize that you don’t have to do everything alone. Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, learn to delegate tasks to others [2]. Sharing responsibilities not only lightens your workload but also allows you to focus on what truly matters to you. Remember, it’s not necessary to burn yourself out by trying to do everything alone

4. Ask for help when necessary:
Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it [2]. You don’t have to be a lone ranger, and everyone needs support from others at times. Reach out to close friends and family when you need assistance, just as they would reach out to you in times of need.

5. Engage in regular physical activity:
Regular exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental well-being [2]. Choose an activity that you enjoy, such as hiking, yoga, or dancing, and make it a regular part of your routine. Physical activity helps reduce stress, boosts mood, and improves overall health.

6. Treat yourself with compassion:
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding [2]. Be gentle with yourself when things don’t go as planned and forgive yourself for mistakes, just as you would forgive others. Remember that you deserve love and compassion, and it’s important to extend that to yourself.

7. Set goals and pursue your passions:
Setting goals for yourself and working towards them is a powerful way to prioritize your own growth and happiness [2]. Whether it’s advancing in your career, learning new skills, or pursuing a personal passion, having goals gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Eliminate anything that distracts you from achieving your goals and embrace the journey of personal growth.

    Learn more:

    1. How to Put Yourself First: 13 Easy Ways to Take Care of You
    2. 7 ways to start putting yourself first
    3. The Truth About Self-Care And How to Put Yourself First – Everyday She Moms

    Wishing You and Your Family a Joyous Ethiopian Easter!

    Let’s embrace the joyful traditions and celebrations of this significant Christian holiday. It’s a time for family and community to come together in celebration. Let us reflect on the blessings of life and share love and kindness with all.

    Easter, known as “Fasika “, in Ethiopia, stands as one of the most important festivals for Christians. It marks a period of deep spiritual rejuvenation and happiness. Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is observed with diverse traditions and customs globally. This blog post will delve into various Easter traditions and celebrations.

    Easter Traditions and Customs:

    1. Cultural music and dancing: Easter in Ethiopia is not only a religious celebration but also a time to showcase the country’s cultural diversity and vibrancy [2]. Traditional music, dancing, and singing are part of the Easter festivities, reflecting the joy and celebration of Christ’s resurrection [2].

    2. Egg Hunts: One of the most popular Easter traditions is the colorful egg hunt. Families and communities come together to hide and search for eggs, which are often filled with treats or small gifts. This activity brings joy and excitement to children and adults alike [1].

    3. Decorating Eggs: Another cherished Easter tradition is decorating eggs. People use various techniques such as dyeing, painting, or using stickers to create beautiful and vibrant designs on eggs. These decorated eggs symbolize new life and rebirth [1].

    4. Exchanging Gifts: Easter is also a time for exchanging gifts among family and friends. It is a way to show love and appreciation for one another. Common gifts include chocolates, flowers, and Easter-themed items [1].

    5. Sweet Treats: Indulging in sweet treats is a delightful part of Easter celebrations. Chocolate bunnies, Easter-themed cookies, and other delicious desserts are enjoyed during this festive season [1].

    Easter Celebrations Around the World:

    1. Ethiopia:

    In Ethiopia “Fasika” or Easter is a significant celebration for both the Orthodox Christians and Protestants. While there are some differences in the way they observe Easter, both groups come together to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore the Easter celebrations of the Orthodox Christians and Protestants Christians in Ethiopia:


    * Fasting: Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia observe a 55-day fast leading up to Easter. This fast, known as “Hudade” or “Abiy Tsom,” involves abstaining from meat and dairy products [2]. It is a time of spiritual reflection and preparation for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

    * Easter Eve Service: On Easter Eve, Orthodox Christians attend lengthy church services that begin in the late evening and last until the early morning. Worshippers dress in traditional white clothing and participate in prayers, hymns, and readings from the Bible [1].

    * Breaking the Fast: After the Easter Eve service, Orthodox Christians break their fast and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. They gather with family and friends for a festive meal, which often includes traditional Ethiopian dishes such as doro wat (spicy chicken stew) and injera (spongy flatbread) [2].


    * Worship Services: Protestant churches in Ethiopia hold special Easter worship services to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These services often include prayers, sermons, hymns, and joyful singing [2].

    * Easter Programs: Protestant churches organize various programs and activities during the Easter season. These may include Easter plays, musical performances, and community outreach initiatives to share the message of Christ’s resurrection [2].

    * Fellowship and Celebration: After the Easter worship service, Protestants gather for fellowship and celebration. They may have meals together, engage in joyful activities, and spend time with family and friends [2].


    In Ethiopia, Catholic churches celebrate Easter in accordance with the calendar of the Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox Church [8]. The Catholic community in Ethiopia is relatively small, accounting for less than 2% of the population [8]. Here is an insight into the traditions, customs, and festivities of Easter (known as Fasika) celebrated by Catholic churches in Ethiopia:

    1. Fasting: Orthodox Christians and Catholics in Ethiopia observe a traditional 55-day fast leading up to Easter Sunday [7]. This fast involves abstaining from all meat and animal products. Good Friday is spent in preparation for breaking the fast after a morning church service [7].

    2. Lenten Fast: Catholics in Ethiopia observe a period of fasting called “Hudade” or “Abye Tsome” during Lent [8]. This fast lasts for 55 days and includes abstaining from meat and dairy products. The diet during this period mainly consists of vegetables, cereals, lentils, peas, fruit, and vegetable stew accompanied by injera (a traditional Ethiopian bread) [8].

    3. Easter Vigil: On the night of Easter Saturday, the faithful gather in the church for a celebration that starts at 6 pm and ends at 2 am [8]. This Easter vigil is a significant part of the Easter celebration in Ethiopia.

    4. Breaking the Fast: After the Easter vigil, the faithful break their fast with a meal that typically includes chicken or lamb [2]. The meat is slaughtered the night before Easter Sunday, and the meal is consumed after 6 pm [8].

    5. Interfaith Initiatives: In Ethiopia, there is good cooperation and solidarity between religious communities, including Muslims and Christians [8]. The Interfaith Council of Addis Ababa, in collaboration with the municipal administration, organizes solidarity activities for people of all faiths, including followers of traditional religions [8].

    2. Sweden and Finland:

    In Sweden and parts of Finland, children dress up as witches on the Thursday before Easter. They go door-to-door, exchanging handmade Easter cards and drawings for candy. They also receive large Easter eggs filled with homemade chocolates from their parents [3].

    3. Norway:

    Norwegians have a unique Easter tradition of reading crime novels and watching murder-mystery shows during the week-long holiday. Publishers release new thrillers, and television channels add crime dramas to their schedules. Dairy companies even print crime-related stories on their milk cartons [3].

    4. Corfu, Greece:

    On Holy Saturday, the residents of Corfu toss water-filled clay jugs called “botides” onto the streets. This tradition, inspired by the Italians, symbolizes a fresh start and welcomes the arrival of spring [3].

    5. Florence, Italy:

    In Florence, on Easter Sunday, hundreds of Italians dress up in 15th-century clothing and escort a 30-foot-tall antique cart filled with fireworks to the Florence Cathedral. The archbishop of Florence lights a fuse attached to the cart, creating a colorful display known as the “Scoppio del Carro” or the “Explosion of the Cart.” This tradition is believed to ensure a good harvest in the upcoming year [3].


    Let’s embrace the joyful traditions and celebrations of this significant Christian holiday. It’s a time for family and community to come together in celebration. Let us reflect on the blessings of life and share love and kindness with all.

    Read More:

    1. Easter 2024: Significance, Traditions And All You Need To Know
    2. An Insight into the Traditions, Customs and Festivities of Fasika – Ethiopiaid UK
    3. Easter Celebrations And Traditions From Around The World
    4. Easter 2024: Easter 2024: History, date, significance and ways to celebrate the Christian festival – The Economic Times
    5. Easter in Ethiopia – Mossy Foot Project
    6. Ethiopia’s Belated Easter Celebration – Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Easter – TIME
    7. An Insight into the Traditions, Customs and Festivities of Fasika
    8. Easter in Ethiopia: Hoping for peace and rebirth – Vatican News
    9. Catholics in Ethiopia hope for lasting peace during their upcoming Easter – Catholic news – La Croix International

    Is Data Science a Good Career Choice in 2024?

    Data science careers offer unique opportunities to make a positive impact on the world. Data scientists can contribute to initiatives such as climate change tracking, medical research, rural planning, improving city safety, supporting affordable housing, and enhancing access to social services [2]. By leveraging data science skills, professionals can help address global challenges and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

    In today’s data-driven world, data science has emerged as a highly sought-after career path. With the increasing demand for professionals who can extract meaningful insights from data, data science offers job security, financial rewards, and opportunities for growth. Let’s explore why data science is considered a good career choice in 2024.

    1. High Demand and Job Security:
    Data science is experiencing a surge in demand, with numerous job openings and lucrative salary packages [1]. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, data scientist jobs are projected to grow by 36% by 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations [2]. This high demand ensures job security and provides ample opportunities for career advancement.

    2. Lucrative Salary Potential:
    Data science careers offer high earning potential. The estimated total pay for a data scientist in the United States is $126,200 per year, with starting salaries around $100,000 per year and experienced data scientists earning more than $200,000 per year [2]. Chief data officers can earn an average annual salary of $636,000, with top data executives clearing more than $1 million a year [2]. As data continues to drive artificial intelligence innovations, the salary potential is expected to grow.

    3. Growing Importance of Data:
    Data is often referred to as the new gold or the new oil. It has become an essential raw material in various industries, including healthcare, education, travel, government, and national defense [2]. Business decisions, customer experiences, and artificial intelligence advancements rely heavily on data insights. As technology advances and more data is generated, the value of data science skills will continue to grow.

    4. Wide Range of Job Opportunities:
    Data science jobs can be found in nearly every industry, offering a wide range of career opportunities. Some common data science roles include Chief Data Officer, Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Software Engineer, Data Modeler, Data Analyst, and Big Data Engineer [2]. Having a degree or certificate in data science provides flexibility to work in the industry that interests and inspires you.

    5. Making a Positive Impact:
    Data science careers offer unique opportunities to make a positive impact on the world. Data scientists can contribute to initiatives such as climate change tracking, medical research, rural planning, improving city safety, supporting affordable housing, and enhancing access to social services [2]. By leveraging data science skills, professionals can help address global challenges and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.

    Learn more:

    1. Why a career in Data Science is a Good Idea in 2024 – LinkedIn
    2. Careers in STEM: Why Should I Study Data Science? | Harvard Extension School
    3. Is Data Science a Good Career Choice in 2024? Exploring High Demand | TripleTen

    “It’s never too late to learn.” How Libraries Help Older People Overcome Fear and Master Computer Technology

    Libraries play a vital role in helping older adults overcome their fear of technology and master computer skills. Through Digital Education Hubs and specialized programs, libraries provide the necessary resources and support to bridge the digital divide. By empowering older adults with digital literacy, libraries enable them to stay connected, access information, and fully participate in the digital age.

    In today’s digital age, computer literacy has become increasingly important for individuals of all ages. However, older adults often face unique challenges when it comes to learning and using technology. Libraries play a crucial role in helping older people overcome their fear of technology and master computer skills. By offering specialized programs and resources, libraries empower older adults to bridge the digital divide and fully participate in the digital world.

    1. Digital Education Hubs in Libraries

    • Digital Education Hubs are public spaces within libraries that provide access to computers and the internet, allowing individuals to learn digital skills [1].
    • These hubs offer a range of resources, including online courses and individual lessons, to help older adults become digitally literate [1].
    • The Ministry of Digital Transformation in Ukraine initiated the creation of Digital Education Hubs to address the digital divide among older people [1].
    • The hubs are equipped with computers and internet access, enabling anyone to come and obtain digital skills [1].

    2. Addressing the Digital Divide

    • Older adults are often the least likely to use the internet, with only 50% of them being online every day in Ukraine [1].
    • Lack of skills and access to devices with internet connectivity are the main reasons for this digital divide [1].
    • Libraries, through Digital Education Hubs, provide older adults with the opportunity to learn digital literacy offline [1].
    • By offering group classes and individual lessons, libraries cater to the specific needs of older adults and help them overcome their fear of technology [1].

    3. Barriers Faced by Older Adults

    • Lack of perceived benefit or need: Some older adults may not see the value in learning technology skills. Libraries can demonstrate the practical benefits, such as staying connected with family and accessing information [2].
    • Negative feelings about social media: Older adults may have reservations about using social media. Libraries can highlight the positive aspects, such as increased social connectedness and communication with loved ones [2].
    • Fears about internet safety: Concerns about online security can deter older adults from using technology. Libraries can address these fears by providing guidance on internet safety and best practices [2].
    • Computer anxiety: Many older adults are apprehensive about using computers. Libraries can create a supportive learning environment and offer introductory classes to alleviate anxiety [2].
    • Cognitive or physical issues: Declining vision, memory, and mobility can make it challenging for older adults to use technology. Libraries can provide adaptive technologies and modifications to make computers more accessible [2].

    4. Benefits of Library Programs

    • Libraries offer specialized classes and instruction techniques tailored to the learning needs of older adults [2].
    • Peer coaching and social interaction during instruction help older adults feel more comfortable and engaged in the learning process [2].
    • Libraries provide long-term support for older learners, ensuring that they continue to receive assistance and guidance as they navigate the digital world [2].

    Libraries play a vital role in helping older adults overcome their fear of technology and master computer skills. Through Digital Education Hubs and specialized programs, libraries provide the necessary resources and support to bridge the digital divide. By empowering older adults with digital literacy, libraries enable them to stay connected, access information, and fully participate in the digital age.

    Learn more:

    1. “It’s never too late to learn.” How libraries help older people overcome fear and master computer technology | United Nations Development Programme
    2. Teaching Technology to Seniors – Got a minute? Instruction tune-up for time pressed librarians
    3. Helping Senior Adults Overcome their Fear of Technology – Kaplen JCC on the Palisades

    2024 Library Systems Report: Key Insights and Trends

    The 2024 Library Systems Report provides valuable insights into the current state of the library technology industry. This report highlights the strategies adopted by companies to strengthen their market position and the evolving landscape of library systems. Let’s delve into the key findings and trends from the report.

    1. Levels of Competition:
    The library technology industry consists of three distinct levels of competition [1].

      • Top-tier companies: Large organizations like Clarivate, EBSCO Information Services, Follett School Solutions, and OCLC continue to expand their portfolios, covering multiple business sectors and library types.
      • Middle-tier companies: Axiell, ByWater Solutions, The Library Corporation (TLC), and SirsiDynix offer growing suites of products used by thousands of libraries.
      • Smaller companies: These companies cater to specialized libraries with niche products and services.

      2. Strategic Partnerships:
      Libraries increasingly view their technology vendors as strategic partners [1]. They are opting to purchase core products from a single provider, rewarding companies’ efforts to create integrated applications that function more efficiently. Third-party integration is expected, but libraries generally acquire new components from a single main vendor.

      3. Industry Survivors and Startups:
      The library technology industry is characterized by both longstanding vendors and newer startups [1]. Some companies have persisted for more than three decades, evolving with their library customers. On the other hand, startups like ByWater Solutions and TIND are making strides in the industry.

      4. Notable Business Events:
      Several notable business events have occurred in the library technology industry [1]:

        • Civica’s acquisition by Blackstone from Partners Group.
        • Follett School Solutions’ acquisition of Livingtree, rebranded as Destiny Fundraising Manager.
        • Springshare’s acquisition of Patron Point, enhancing its email marketing and patron engagement capabilities.

        5. Top-Tier Companies Leading the Pack:
        Clarivate, a publicly traded company, holds a strong market position [1]. Its library products, including those associated with Ex Libris and Innovative, are widely used by academic and public libraries. Ex Libris continues to be a major provider of technology products to academic and large-scale libraries, with its Alma Library Services Platform being selected by numerous institutions.

          Learn more:

          1. 2024 Library Systems Report | American Libraries Magazine
          2. State of America’s Libraries 2024 | ALA
          3. Published Today: The 2024 Edition of the “Library Systems Report” by Marshall Breeding – Stephen’s Lighthouse

          Access the Latest Scientific Research for Free at IntechOpen.com

          IntechOpen.com is a prominent publisher of Open Access books, dedicated to sharing scientific knowledge with a global audience.

          In today’s rapidly advancing world, access to the latest scientific research is crucial for researchers, academics, and professionals across various fields. IntechOpen.com, a leading publisher of Open Access books, provides a platform where individuals can access and benefit from the latest scientific research for free. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of Open Access and how IntechOpen.com facilitates the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

          Advantages of Open Access:

          1. Free and Unrestricted Access: Open Access allows anyone to access scientific research without any paywalls or subscription fees. This ensures that knowledge is freely available to researchers, students, and the general public, promoting a more inclusive and equitable dissemination of information.

          2. Accelerated Scientific Progress: By providing free access to scientific research, Open Access accelerates the pace of scientific progress. Researchers can build upon existing knowledge, leading to new discoveries and innovations. This open exchange of information fosters collaboration and interdisciplinary research.

            IntechOpen.com: Open Science Open Minds:
            IntechOpen.com is a prominent publisher of Open Access books, dedicated to sharing scientific knowledge with a global audience. Here’s how IntechOpen.com facilitates access to the latest scientific research:

            1. Extensive Collection of Open Access Books: IntechOpen.com offers a vast collection of Open Access books covering a wide range of scientific disciplines. These books are authored by leading experts and researchers from around the world, ensuring the highest quality of scientific content.

            2. Peer-Reviewed Research Papers: IntechOpen.com publishes peer-reviewed research papers that undergo rigorous evaluation by experts in the respective fields. This ensures the reliability and credibility of the scientific research available on the platform.

            3. Collaboration with Institutions and Organizations: IntechOpen.com collaborates with libraries, scientific societies, engineering societies, and corporate R&D departments to share their knowledge and research papers. This partnership expands the reach of scientific research and promotes collaboration between academia and industry.

              Access to the latest scientific research is essential for scientific progress and innovation. IntechOpen.com, with its commitment to Open Access, provides a platform where individuals can freely access and benefit from the latest scientific research. By breaking down barriers to knowledge, IntechOpen.com contributes to the advancement of science and the betterment of society as a whole.

              Learn more:

              1. Open Science Journals | IntechOpen
              2. IntechOpen – Open Science Open Minds | IntechOpen | IntechOpen
              3. IntechOpen – Your Free Access to Knowledge | IntechOpen