President Isaias Afwerki’s Keynote Address on Eritrea’s 33rd Independence Anniversary

On May 24, 2024, President Isaias Afwerki delivered a keynote address in Asmara, Eritrea, on the occasion of the country’s 33rd Independence Anniversary. The address highlighted the progress and challenges faced by Eritrea in its nation-building process, as well as the global and regional developments that impact the country’s path towards a new global order. This blog post aims to provide an overview of President Afwerki’s address and its significance.

Key Points from President Afwerki’s Address:

1. Assessing Eritrea’s Nation-Building Process [1]:
President Afwerki emphasized the importance of assessing Eritrea’s nation-building process on Independence Day. He highlighted the progress achieved in the past 33 years and the country’s mission within the context of global and regional developments.

2. The “Transitional Phase” and Global Order [1]:
President Afwerki discussed the “transitional phase” and its impact on global order. He analyzed the ideologies and policies articulated in the past three decades, particularly in relation to the end of the Cold War. He noted the resistance of free peoples worldwide to the imposition of a uni-polar world order.

3. Containment of Russia and China [1]:
President Afwerki highlighted the ongoing war declared to “contain” Russia and the higher risks associated with containing China. He discussed the economic, technological, and military growth of China, which poses a challenge to the elites of “domination and monopoly.” He also mentioned the tensions in the South China Sea and the strategies employed to contain China in Asia.

4. Africa’s Role in the Global Order [1]:
President Afwerki emphasized Africa’s significance in the global order. He highlighted the continent’s abundant natural resources and its growing population. Despite historical suppression and exploitation, African nations are increasingly rejecting unfair exploitation and advocating for a new and just global order.

5. Regional Developments and Impact on Eritrea [1]:
President Afwerki discussed the regional developments that have a closer influence on Eritrea. He mentioned the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people for independence and the tensions in the Red Sea, Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Aden. He also highlighted the oppressive agendas of instigating division and creating crises pursued by the elites of “domination and monopoly.”

    President Isaias Afwerki’s keynote address on Eritrea’s 33rd Independence Anniversary provided insights into the nation-building process, global and regional developments, and the challenges faced by Eritrea. The address emphasized the importance of assessing progress, understanding the evolving global order, and working towards a just and peaceful world. Eritrea’s resilience and commitment to peace serve as a model for stability in the Horn of Africa.

    Learn more:

    1. Keynote Address by President Isaias Afwerki on the occasion of the 33rd Independence Anniversary , Asmara, 24 May 2024 – Eritrea Ministry Of Information
    2. Eritrea: Model of Peace and Harmony Built on Resilience – Eritrea Ministry Of Information
    3. President Isaias Afwerki Celebrates Eritrean Independence Day, May 24, 2024 with a Speech 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 – YouTube

    Author: MULUGETA WOLDETSADIK, Outreach Librarian/Information Professional-Library Books and Digital Resources Donation Projects Manager at Hawassa University, Ethiopia

    Mulugeta Woldetsadik, an Ethiopian Outreach Librarian or Information Professional, has a career spanning various libraries in Ethiopian educational institutions, from schools to universities. Currently, he collaborates with international donor organizations to boost book and digital resource donations. Dedicated to promoting information and digital literacy, he specifically targets libraries in primary and secondary schools and participates in community outreach programs. His work is vital in improving access to information and technology and highlighting the educational resources and services provided by libraries in rural areas of Ethiopia's Sidama region.

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