Generative AI Supercharging the Mission of Libraries: Risks and Opportunities

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Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize libraries and their mission. The American Library Association (ALA) United Nations International Relations Committee (IRC) Sustainable Development Goals Subcommittee recognizes the significance of this technology and has organized an event to explore the risks and opportunities associated with generative AI in libraries [1][2].

Event Details:
The ALA IRC United Nations Subcommittee is hosting a free online event titled “Generative AI Supercharging the Mission of Libraries: Risks and Opportunities” on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 2:00 pm Eastern time [1]. The event aims to provide librarians with the latest updates on AI and its implications for various aspects of library operations and services.

Key Themes:
The event will feature keynote speakers and distinguished experts who will discuss the following themes related to generative AI in libraries [1][2]:

  1. Research: Exploring how generative AI can enhance research capabilities and support scholarly endeavors.
  2. Information Integrity: Addressing the challenges and opportunities of maintaining information integrity in the age of AI-generated content.
  3. Open Access: Examining the role of generative AI in promoting open access to information and knowledge.
  4. Library Strategy: Discussing how libraries can strategically incorporate generative AI to enhance their services and meet evolving user needs.
  5. Copyright and Privacy: Analyzing the legal and ethical considerations surrounding generative AI and its impact on copyright and privacy.
  6. Ethics and Misinformation: Exploring the ethical implications of generative AI in combating misinformation and promoting information literacy.
  7. Sustainability: Highlighting the potential of generative AI to contribute to sustainability efforts within libraries.
  8. Indigenous Populations: Discussing the role of generative AI in supporting the preservation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge.
  9. Cybersecurity: Addressing the cybersecurity challenges associated with generative AI and exploring strategies to mitigate risks.
  10. LIS Education and Associations: Examining the implications of generative AI for library and information science education and professional associations.

Keynote Speakers and Distinguished Experts:
The event will feature renowned experts from various libraries and organizations who will share their insights and expertise on generative AI in libraries [1][2]. Some of the notable speakers include:

  • Dr. Leo Lo, President-Elect of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) [1][2].
  • Dr. Thanos Giannakopoulos, Chief Librarian of the United Nations Headquarters, UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library [1][2].
  • Liz Jolly, Chief Librarian, The British Library [1][2].
  • Cindy Hohl, ALA President-Elect; Director of Policy Analysis and Operational Support at the Kansas City Public Library [1][2].
  • Gene Tan, Chief Librarian & Chief Innovation Officer, National Library Board Singapore [1][2].
  • Fiona Bradley, Chair, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Open Access Committee [1][2].
  • Dr. Anthony Chow, Director and Professor, School of Information San José State University [1][2].
  • Dr. Jonathan Hernandez, Chair, IFLA Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Committee [1][2].

The ALA IRC United Nations Subcommittee’s event on generative AI supercharging the mission of libraries presents a valuable opportunity for librarians to explore the risks and opportunities associated with this emerging technology. By harnessing generative AI, libraries can enhance their research capabilities, improve information integrity, promote open access, and strategically adapt to the evolving needs of library users. However, it is crucial to address the ethical, legal, and cybersecurity challenges that come with the adoption of generative AI in libraries. This event will provide librarians with valuable insights and recommendations to navigate these risks and leverage the opportunities presented by generative AI [1][2].

Learn more:

  1. Free Event: Generative A.I. supercharging the mission of libraries: risks and opportunities | ALA
  2. TOMORROW 5/21: webinar “Generative AI supercharging the mission of libraries: risks and opportunities” | IRRT (International Relations Round Table)
  3. Loida Garcia-Febo on LinkedIn: ALA free webinar: Generative AI supercharging the mission of libraries:…

Author: MULUGETA WOLDETSADIK, Outreach Librarian/Information Professional-Library Books and Digital Resources Donation Projects Manager at Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Mulugeta Woldetsadik, an Ethiopian Outreach Librarian or Information Professional, has a career spanning various libraries in Ethiopian educational institutions, from schools to universities. Currently, he collaborates with international donor organizations to boost book and digital resource donations. Dedicated to promoting information and digital literacy, he specifically targets libraries in primary and secondary schools and participates in community outreach programs. His work is vital in improving access to information and technology and highlighting the educational resources and services provided by libraries in rural areas of Ethiopia's Sidama region.

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