The ‘Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project’ is a Global Online Fundraising Campaign conducted by Books For Africa and Hawassa University. It aims to reach a goal of $12,300, with $4,076 already raised.

As we look to the future, we are excited to introduce you to an initiative ‘Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project – Online Fundraising Campaign.’

Your contribution can significantly impact. Kindly visit the fundraising project page at Books for Africa for more details: Without books, education is difficult. School libraries help teachers teach and students learn. Books can change the quality of education and increase literacy rates.


The “Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project” Online Global Fundraising Campaign is designed to bolster education in the Sidama Region of Ethiopia through a collaborative project between Books For Africa (BFA) and Hawassa University (HU) [1].

 The primary goal of the Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project is to enhance educational quality and promote the intellectual, aesthetic, cultural, and emotional development of students by tackling the significant lack of reference books and computers in primary and secondary schools across the Sidama region. Currently, our fundraising campaign is advancing towards our target of $12,300, necessary to cover the shipping expenses for the donated books and computers [1].

 The intended beneficiaries of this project include all students and educators in primary and secondary schools throughout the Sidama National Regional State in Ethiopia [1].

The online fundraising campaign is officially hosted on the ‘Donate to a Project’ page of the Books For Africa platform. Once we reach our project goal of $12,300, which covers the shipping costs, the books will be sent from the USA to the Sidama region in Ethiopia. The project’s initiator, Mr. Mulugeta Woldetsadik, a committed librarian at Hawassa University in the Sidama region, is at the forefront of coordinating the fundraising efforts and professional activities related to the BFA-HU partnership project. He will persist in these duties, whether in Ethiopia or abroad, in partnership with the main host, Books For Africa, and the parent institution, Hawassa University, until the funding goal is achieved.

We cannot achieve our project goal and be successful without your help!

Therefore, we cordially invite all philanthropic entities, non-governmental organizations, and governmental agencies, both local and international, particularly those committed to social responsibility and community development, to support and collaborate with us on this initiative. Your contributions and involvement will greatly improve the educational landscape in the Sidama region [1].

To donate online and support the fundraising campaign for education in the Sidama Region, Ethiopia, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official project page of the BFA-HU Partnership Project. [1]
2. On the project page, click on the “Donate Now” button located at the top of the page. This will redirect you to the donation platform.
3. Fill in the required information, such as your name, email address, and donation amount.
4. Select your preferred payment method (credit card, PayPal, etc.).
5. Complete the donation process by following the instructions provided on the donation platform.

Your donation will contribute to providing books and computers to primary and secondary schools in the Sidama region, by donating online, you can make a significant impact on the education of primary and secondary school students in the Sidama region. Every contribution counts and will be used to improve the quality of education and provide students with the resources they need to succeed [1].

You are kindly encouraged to make an online donation.

We are grateful for your generosity. Your support for this initiative is highly appreciated.

NB. To extend the reach of the Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project, consider sharing this link on your social media platforms:

Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following details:

Primary Contact: Mr. Mulugeta Woldetsadik, Outreach Librarian and BFA-HU Partnership Project Manager & Fundraiser at Hawassa University, Sidama region, Ethiopia.

Secondary Contact: Mr. Yohanan Yokamo, Director, International Relations & Alumni Affairs Directorate, Hawassa University (HU) ; Lecturer, College of Law and Governance at HU

Sources to Read More:

  1. Books for Sidama’s Bright Future Generation Project – (Mulugeta Woldetsadik, Hawassa University) – Ethiopia
  2. Books For Africa-Donate to a Project
  3. Collaborative initiatives between Hawassa University and international organizations for educational book donations are progressing successfully-21st Century Infolibnet
  4. Books For Africa Celebrates Shipping 60 Million Books across the African continent

Author: MULUGETA WOLDETSADIK, Outreach Librarian/Information Professional-Library Books and Digital Resources Donation Projects Manager at Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Mulugeta Woldetsadik, an Ethiopian Outreach Librarian or Information Professional, has a career spanning various libraries in Ethiopian educational institutions, from schools to universities. Currently, he collaborates with international donor organizations to boost book and digital resource donations. Dedicated to promoting information and digital literacy, he specifically targets libraries in primary and secondary schools and participates in community outreach programs. His work is vital in improving access to information and technology and highlighting the educational resources and services provided by libraries in rural areas of Ethiopia's Sidama region.

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