Ginbot 20 (May 28, 1991): The Turning Point in Ethiopian History – Triumphs, Challenges, and the Final Fate of the EPRDF

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The EPRDF, under the leadership of Meles Zenawi, went on to become the ruling party in Ethiopia for several decades. It implemented various reforms and policies aimed at economic development, social progress, and political stability. However, in recent years, Ethiopia has faced new challenges, including the Tigray War, which began in 2020 and has caused significant humanitarian and political crises.

On May 28, 1991, a significant event took place in Ethiopian history that marked a turning point for the nation. The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of rebel organizations, entered Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, effectively ending 17 years of Marxist rule under the military regime known as the Derg. This event brought about triumphs, challenges, and ultimately shaped the final fate of the EPRDF.


1. Overthrowing the Derg: The EPRDF’s victory on May 28, 1991, marked the overthrow of the military dictatorship of the Derg, which had subjected the Ethiopian people to gross oppression and human rights abuses [2].

2. Transition to Democracy: Following the fall of the Derg, a transition government was formed, and a new democratic constitution was drafted in July 1991. This constitution aimed to ensure equal rights and freedom of expression for all Ethiopian citizens [1].

3. Socio-economic Development: Over the past 21 years since the victory, Ethiopia has made significant progress in socio-economic development, improving the living conditions of its people. The country has achieved a double-digit economic growth and implemented development policies that benefit all citizens [2].


1. Internal Strife and Independence Movements: Prior to the EPRDF’s victory, Ethiopia experienced internal strife and independence movements in regions like Eritrea and Tigre. These challenges had to be addressed during the transition period [1].

2. Building Democratic Institutions: The establishment of democratic institutions, good governance, and the rule of law was a work in progress. It required continuous efforts to deepen and expand these principles throughout the country [2].

3. Opposition and Anti-Peace Groups: The EPRDF faced challenges from opposition political parties and anti-peace groups, some of which were supported by the Eritrean government. The EPRDF remained committed to working together on common national issues with peaceful and democratic opposition parties [2].

Final Fate of the EPRDF:
The EPRDF, after its victory on May 28, 1991, went on to become the ruling coalition in Ethiopia. It played a crucial role in shaping the country’s political landscape and implementing policies for development and stability. However, the EPRDF faced criticism for its governance style and handling of certain issues, leading to changes in the political landscape in later years.

Learn more:

  1. Ethiopian capital falls to rebels, ending 17 years of Marxist rule
  2. Ginbot 20(May 28): Remarks by Ethiopian and foreign officials – Horn Affairs
  3. Fall of the Derg regime – Wikipedia

The Oral Chronicle of Boorana in Southern Ethiopia: Modes of Construction and Preservation of History among People without Writing

“The Oral Chronicle of Boorana in Southern Ethiopia: Modes of Construction and Preservation of History among People without Writing” is a significant book that explores the rich historical narratives of the Boorana people in southern Ethiopia. Authored by Roger Prior and James Watt, this book sheds light on the cultural and socio-political mechanisms through which the Boorana have constructed and preserved their history without the use of a writing system. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this book and its contribution to our understanding of oral traditions and historical preservation.

1. Understanding the Boorana People:
The Boorana people, residing in southern Ethiopia, have a long and vibrant history. Despite not having a tradition of writing, they have managed to pass down detailed historical narratives for over 600 years [1]. This book aims to unravel the mystery of how the Boorana have shared and preserved their history through oral means.

2. Modes of Construction and Preservation:
“The Oral Chronicle of Boorana in Southern Ethiopia” delves into the various modes through which the Boorana construct and preserve their historical memories. It explores the cultural practices, storytelling techniques, and socio-political mechanisms that have enabled the transmission of their history from one generation to another [1]. By examining these modes, the book provides valuable insights into the oral traditions and heritage of the Boorana people.

3. Elaborated Oral Chronicle:
One of the highlights of this book is the presentation of a complete text of the Oral Chronicle of the Boorana. This text is based on a rigorous comparison of oral sources, ensuring its accuracy and authenticity [1]. By providing access to this highly elaborated Oral Chronicle, the authors offer readers a unique opportunity to engage with the historical narratives of the Boorana people.

4. Significance and Implications:
“The Oral Chronicle of Boorana in Southern Ethiopia” has broader implications beyond the specific context of the Boorana people. It contributes to our understanding of oral traditions, historical preservation, and the importance of alternative modes of transmitting knowledge and history [2]. The book challenges the notion that written records are the sole means of preserving history and highlights the richness and complexity of oral traditions.

    Learn more:

    1. The Oral Chronicle of the Boorana in Southern Ethiopia: Modes of … – Chikage Oba-Smidt – Google Books
    2. The oral chronicle of the Boorana in Southern Ethiopia : modes of construction and preservation of history among people without writing |
    3. 20 Best-Selling Ethiopia History Books of All Time – BookAuthority