Jobs at Risk That AI Will Replace, Change the Most by 2030: A Look into the Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing in recent years, and its impact on the job market is a topic of great interest and concern. While there are varying opinions on the extent of AI’s influence, several studies and reports provide insights into the jobs that are most likely to be replaced or significantly changed by AI technologies. In this blog post, we will explore some of these predictions for the year 2030.

1. Office Support Roles:
According to a study by McKinsey, office support roles, such as clerks and administrative assistants, are expected to decline significantly due to the automation of repetitive tasks and data processing [1]. Improved chatbots and AI-powered systems are likely to impact the demand for customer service roles as well.

2. Customer Service and Sales:
The same McKinsey study highlights that customer service and sales positions are at risk of being replaced by AI technologies [1]. AI-powered chatbots and automated responses can handle frequently asked questions and provide customer support, reducing the need for human intervention.

3. Food Services:
In the food services industry, AI technologies could automate tasks such as food preparation, order taking, and delivery. This could potentially impact jobs in fast-food chains, restaurants, and delivery services [1].

4. Production Work and Manufacturing:
Automation has already made significant strides in manufacturing, and AI technologies are expected to further streamline production processes. Jobs in manufacturing, such as assembly line workers, may be replaced by robots and AI-powered machines [1].

5. Transportation and Delivery:
With the rise of autonomous vehicles and drones, jobs in transportation and delivery may undergo significant changes. While some roles may be replaced, there will also be a need for skilled workers to operate and maintain these AI-driven vehicles [1].

6. Other Occupations:
While not necessarily replaced, certain occupations may experience significant changes due to AI technologies. These include professions like data entry, content creation, paralegals, teachers, doctors, authors, photographers, graphic artists, and tax preparers [1].

    Learn more:

    1. Jobs at Risk That AI Will Replace, Change the Most by 2030: McKinsey
    2. How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Jobs 2024-2030 | Nexford University
    3. AI will replace millions of human jobs by 2030 but these 4 jobs to be at most risk, reveals study – India Today

    Ethiopian University Presidents Forum Recognizes the Importance of Evidence-Based Higher Education Reforms

    The Ethiopian University Presidents Forum recognizes the importance of evidence-based higher education reforms. Implementing a Result Based Performance-MRV System (Monitoring and Verification System) Reporting can provide a framework for universities to monitor, evaluate, and report on the progress and impact of their reforms. By embracing this system, Ethiopian universities can ensure that their reforms are informed by evidence, contribute to the development of the country, and improve the overall quality of higher education.

    Higher education reforms play a crucial role in addressing the needs, challenges, and problems faced by the education sector. In Ethiopia, like many other countries, evidence-based reforms are essential to ensure the relevance and quality of higher education. The Ethiopian University Presidents Forum recognizes the importance of implementing a Result Based Performance-MRV System (Monitoring and Verification System) Reporting to drive evidence-based reforms and improve the higher education system in the country.

    Result Based Performance-MRV System:
    A Result Based Performance-MRV System is a framework that focuses on measuring and evaluating the outcomes and impacts of higher education reforms. It provides a systematic approach to monitor and verify the progress and effectiveness of these reforms. By implementing an MRV system, Ethiopian universities can ensure that their reforms are evidence-based, data-driven, and aligned with the desired outcomes.

    Benefits of Result Based Performance-MRV System:

    1. Evidence-based decision making: The MRV system enables university leaders to make informed decisions based on reliable data and evidence [1].
    2. Continuous improvement: Regular monitoring and evaluation help identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired outcomes [1].
    3. Accountability and transparency: The MRV system promotes accountability by providing a transparent mechanism to report on the progress and impact of reforms [1].
    4. Stakeholder engagement: The system encourages engagement with stakeholders, including students, faculty, and the wider community, to gather feedback and ensure their perspectives are considered in the reform process [1].
    5. Quality assurance: Monitoring and verification ensure that the implemented reforms meet the desired quality standards and contribute to the overall improvement of the higher education system [1].

    Implementation Challenges:
    Implementing a Result Based Performance-MRV System may come with certain challenges, including:

    1. Data collection and management: Establishing a robust data collection and management system is crucial for accurate monitoring and evaluation [1].
    2. Capacity building: Universities may need to invest in training and capacity building programs to equip staff with the necessary skills to implement the MRV system effectively [1].
    3. Resource allocation: Adequate resources, including financial and human resources, need to be allocated to support the implementation and maintenance of the MRV system [1].
    4. Institutional culture: Creating a culture of data-driven decision making and accountability may require a shift in the institutional mindset and practices [1].

    The Ethiopian University Presidents Forum recognizes the importance of evidence-based higher education reforms. Implementing a Result Based Performance-MRV System (Monitoring and Verification System) Reporting can provide a framework for universities to monitor, evaluate, and report on the progress and impact of their reforms. By embracing this system, Ethiopian universities can ensure that their reforms are informed by evidence, contribute to the development of the country, and improve the overall quality of higher education.

    Sources To Read more:

    1. Higher education reforms must be informed by evidence
    2. Advisory Groups and Committees – Verra
    3. Lessons from Ethiopia for the global education community on large-scale education reforms with equity – The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET)
    4. University Presidents Forum at Mekele University: Advancing Higher Education in Ethiopia – 21st CENTURY INFORMATION & LIBRARIES NETWORK (Infolibnet)
    5. Ethiopian University Presidents’ Forum stated that evidence-based measurement system will be developed

    Ethiopian University Presidents’ Forum stated that evidence-based measurement system will be developed

    It was stated that a system will be developed in which the universities will be measured based on their mission and key change agendas.

    May 09/2016 (Ministry of Education) At the Ethiopian University Presidents’ Forum being held at Mekelle University, it was stated that a system will be developed in which universities will be measured by results based on the mission and key change agendas given to them.

    The Minister of State for Higher Education Development of the Ministry of Education, Honorable Ato Kora Tushne, said that although Ethiopian higher education institutions have done a lot of work, the institutions need to be able to produce human resources that can solve the country’s problems, entrepreneurs and compete in the global market.

    He stated that key change agendas have been designed and implemented so that the universities can quickly move on the path of change and become globally competitive institutions and fulfill their mission well.

    The Minister of State said that it should be possible to measure the progress, success and results of universities and mentioned that key performance indicators have been prepared to help with this.

    He said that the university presidents will enter into a contract from next year after an agreement is reached by discussing the key performance indicator requirements.

    It is said that the contract agreement to be signed by the Ministry of Education and the universities will enable them to properly fulfill their responsibilities, bring the reforms to the ground and solve the challenges faced in the process.

    Sources To Read More:

    1. Ministry of Education Ethiopia 
    2. Higher Education ReformsHasan Yusuf