Call for Application for 400 Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from OSC Member States

The Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OSC), in collaboration with the International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), is offering 400 postgraduate scholarships to students from OSC Member States. This initiative aims to promote international academic mobility and South-South cooperation, with the goal of fostering education as a tool for cultural exchange and transformative influence [1].

Scholarship Details:

  • The scholarships are available for a wide range of Master’s and Doctoral programs at renowned Brazilian universities [1].
  • Detailed information on eligible programs, admission requirements, and application procedures will be provided with the 2024 OSC scholarship Call for Applications [1].
  • Applicants can apply to up to five different programs at various universities through one online GCUB application at no cost [1].

Important Dates:

  • Online Application Period: May 2 – June 17, 2024 [1].
  • Results Announcement: September 25, 2024 [1].
  • Program Start: 2025 (according to each university’s academic calendar) [1].

Scholarship Benefits:

  • The scholarship covers all enrollment and academic fees [1].
  • Selected candidates will receive monthly stipends [1].
  • Additional benefits include free access to university facilities and a contribution of up to USD 1,500 per student for airfare, visa processing, and international medical insurance [1].

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants should be from countries that are OSC Member States with diplomatic relations with Brazil. Brazilian nationals are not eligible [1].
  • Priority will be given to applicants from OSC Member States in emergency situations, with 100 scholarships specifically earmarked for such cases [1].
  • Applicants must be in good physical and mental health [1].

Application Requirements:

  • Applicants must submit a National ID, diploma or certificate from their last degree program, a Curriculum Vitae, and two essays on their academic and research goals [1].
  • The selection process includes a completeness check, evaluation by chosen universities, and a final selection based on a points system [1].

Responsibilities of Scholarship Recipients:

  • Recipients are required to sign an OSC 2024 scholarship acceptance contract, obtain a valid student visa, and purchase international medical insurance [1].
  • They must also comply with Brazilian immigration and academic standards, demonstrate intermediate Portuguese proficiency before completing their thesis or dissertation, and commit to returning to their home country after their studies [1].

Application Deadline: June 17, 2024 [1].

Learn more:

  1. 400 Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from OSC Member States – DAAD Scholarship 2024 by Germany Government
  2. Ethio Negari on LinkedIn: Call for Application for 400 Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from…
  3. Yared Mulugeta on LinkedIn: Scholarship opportunity by OSC

The Interview – Jawar Mohammed: A Comprehensive Analysis

The interview with Jawar Mohammed provided valuable insights into various aspects of Ethiopian politics, including state collapse, progressive patriotism, the ruling class’s approach to pluralism, economic transitions, and the political economy of conflict. Jawar’s perspectives shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing Ethiopia in its quest for stability, unity, and equitable development.

In a recent interview conducted by Addis Standard on May 8, 2024, Jawar Mohammed, a prominent Ethiopian activist, discussed various topics related to Ethiopian politics, statehood, patriotism, and the political economy of conflict. This interview provided valuable insights into Jawar’s perspectives and shed light on the current state of affairs in Ethiopia.

1. Jawar’s Views on State Collapse and Resilience [1]:
Jawar acknowledged that a longer history of statehood can contribute to a country’s resilience. However, he cautioned against assuming that it guarantees protection against state collapse. He emphasized the importance of building robust bureaucracy, versatile institutions, and effective revenue collection and territorial control.

2. Progressive Patriotism and Ethiopian Politics [1]:
Jawar advocated for “progressive patriotism” as a way to navigate Ethiopia’s complex political landscape. He emphasized the need to find a middle ground between ethnic mobilization and fetishizing the state. Jawar acknowledged the role of ethnicity in political mobilization but highlighted the importance of managing pluralism to avoid the pitfalls of extreme ethnic predispositions.

3. The Ruling Class’s Shift from Multinationalism to Multiculturalism [1]:
Jawar criticized the ruling Prosperity Party’s inconsistent approach to managing pluralism. He highlighted their oscillation between signaling a return to the unitary system and preserving the existing multinational federal arrangement. Jawar argued that a radical departure from Ethiopia’s multinational federalism would create more problems than solutions.

4. Ethiopia’s Economic Transition and the Parastatal Bourgeois Class [1]:
Jawar discussed Ethiopia’s transition from a state-led developmental economy to an economy controlled by a parastatal bourgeois class. He expressed concerns about the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few individuals with close ties to the ruling class. This shift raises questions about equitable economic development and the potential for increased inequality.

5. The Political Economy of Conflict in Ethiopia [1]:
Jawar highlighted the rising trend of the political economy of conflict in Ethiopia, particularly in Oromia and other regions. He discussed the challenges of integrating combatants into civilian life through Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs. Jawar questioned whether the benefits offered by these programs would be sufficient to incentivize combatants to abandon insurgency.

    The interview with Jawar Mohammed provided valuable insights into various aspects of Ethiopian politics, including state collapse, progressive patriotism, the ruling class’s approach to pluralism, economic transitions, and the political economy of conflict. Jawar’s perspectives shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing Ethiopia in its quest for stability, unity, and equitable development.

    Learn more:

    1. The Interview – Jawar Mohammed – Addis Standard
    2. Jawar Mohammed Emerging as a ‘Pacifist,’ with Visible Political Ambitions
    3. Jawar Mohammed’s red-carpet return signals Ethiopia’s political sea change | Global development | The Guardian

    The Experts: Librarians on 20 Easy, Enjoyable Ways to Read More Brilliant Books

    Reading is a wonderful way to expand our knowledge, explore new worlds, and gain different perspectives. However, finding the time and motivation to read can sometimes be a challenge. That’s why we turned to the experts – librarians – to gather their insights on 20 easy and enjoyable ways to read more brilliant books. Let’s dive in and discover their valuable tips!

    1. Set a Reading Goal:
    Start by setting a realistic reading goal for yourself. Whether it’s a certain number of books per month or a specific genre you want to explore, having a goal can help you stay motivated and focused [2].

    2. Create a Reading Routine:
    Establish a regular reading routine that works for you. It could be reading for a few minutes before bed, during your lunch break, or in the morning with a cup of coffee. Consistency is key [2].

    3. Carry a Book Everywhere:
    Make it a habit to carry a book with you wherever you go. You never know when you’ll have a few spare moments to dive into a captivating story [2].

    4. Join a Book Club:
    Joining a book club can provide a sense of community and accountability. It’s a great way to discover new books, engage in discussions, and share recommendations with fellow book lovers [2].

    5. Explore Different Formats:
    Don’t limit yourself to just one format. Try reading print books, ebooks, and audiobooks to find the format that suits your lifestyle and preferences [2].

    6. Prioritize Reading Time:
    Set aside dedicated time for reading each day. It could be as little as 10 minutes or as long as an hour. The important thing is to make reading a priority in your schedule [2].

    7. Create a Cozy Reading Nook:
    Designate a cozy and comfortable space in your home as your reading nook. Surround yourself with pillows, blankets, and good lighting to create the perfect atmosphere for diving into a book [2].

    8. Read Outside Your Comfort Zone:
    Challenge yourself to read books outside your usual genres or topics. This will broaden your horizons and introduce you to new authors and perspectives [2].

    9. Use Reading Apps and Websites:
    Take advantage of reading apps and websites that offer a wide range of books, articles, and recommendations. Goodreads, BookBub, and Libby are just a few examples [2].

    10. Set Realistic Reading Expectations:
    Don’t pressure yourself to finish every book you start. If a book isn’t capturing your interest, it’s okay to put it aside and move on to something else. Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore [2].

    11. Engage with Book Communities:
    Participate in online book communities, such as forums or social media groups, where you can discuss books, share recommendations, and connect with fellow readers [2].

    12. Read Before Bed:
    Replace screen time with reading before bed. It not only helps you wind down but also improves the quality of your sleep [2].

    13. Listen to Audiobooks:
    If you have a busy schedule, consider incorporating audiobooks into your routine. You can listen while commuting, doing chores, or exercising [2].

    14. Create a Reading Challenge:
    Challenge yourself to read a certain number of books within a specific timeframe. This can add an element of excitement and motivation to your reading journey [2].

    15. Visit Your Local Library:
    Make regular visits to your local library. Librarians can provide personalized recommendations based on your interests and help you discover hidden gems [1].

    16. Read Books That Have Stood the Test of Time:
    Explore classic literature and books that have stood the test of time. These timeless works often offer profound insights and enduring themes [1].

    17. Share and Discuss Books:
    Share your reading experiences with friends, family, or colleagues. Engaging in book discussions can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the books you read [1].

    18. Attend Author Events and Book Fairs:
    Keep an eye out for author events and book fairs in your area. These events provide opportunities to meet authors, attend book signings, and discover new releases [1].

    19. Create a Personal Reading Challenge:
    Challenge yourself to read books from different countries, diverse authors, or specific themes. This can broaden your perspective and introduce you to new voices [1].

    20. Embrace the Joy of Reading:
    Above all, remember to enjoy the process of reading. Let it be a source of pleasure, relaxation, and personal growth. Reading should be a delightful journey [1].

      Learn more:

      1. The experts: librarians on 20 easy, enjoyable ways to read …
      2. Paul Jewell on LinkedIn: The experts: librarians on 20 easy, enjoyable ways to read more brilliant…
      3. Libraries | Books | The Guardian

      ስለ ዝነኛዉ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገዳችን ኢንጅነር ተሊላ ዴሬሳ ጉተማ ምን ይላሉ?  

      ከኢንጂነሩ ብቻ ሳይሆን በብዛት ከየአቅጣጫዉ ገንቢ ሀሳቦች ይስተዋላሉ ሰምቶ እንዳልሰማ ከማለፍ አየር መንገዱ በቀናነት እራሱን ቢፍተሽ በጎ ይሆናል…

      Eng. Telila Deressa Gutema

      ቅርንጫፉን በአብዲሳ አጋ ስም በመሰየሜ ጦርነት ተነሳብኝ!
      የሲንጋፖር-አውስትራሊያ-ኒውዚላንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከዚህ በፊት ኪሳራ የደረሰበት ቅርንጫፍ ነበር። እኔ እዚያ ከተመደብኩበት ቀን ጀምሮ ሎካል ፈንድ አፈላልጌ አገኘሁኝና ቅርንጫፉን ወደ ቁልፍ ቦታ አዛወርኩኝ። ለምረቃው ኃላፊዎቹን ጋብዤ ነበር፣ግን አንድም ዝር ያለ አልነበረም። ከዚያው ሲንጋፖር ከመጡ እንግዶች ጋር አስመረቅሁኝ።
      ለካ የቀሩት ቅርንጫፉን በሌተና ኮሎኔል አብዲሳ አጋ በመሰየሜ አኩርፈው ነበር። ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ ይባስ ብለው ለምርመራ ወደ አዲስ አበባ አስጠሩኝ።
      አየር መንገዳችን የስም ፖሊሲ የለውም። ወጥቶ ስራ ላይ ሲውል ብቻ ነው የምናየው። እኔም እንደ አንድ የአለም-አቀፍ ቅርንጫፍ ስራ አስፈፃሚ አንድ ስም ባወጣ ምን ችግር አለው? ያውም ጣሊያንን ባርበደበደው ሀገራዊ ጀግና!

      ♦️ እኔ መ/ቤቴን እወዳለሁ። በዚህ የሀገር ኩራት በሆነው ተቋም ላይ በአሉታዊ መልክ ዘመቻ እንዲካሄድበትም አልፈልግም። የኔ አቋም፣ ተቋሙ ኢትዮጵያዊያንንና ኢትዮጵያን ይምሰል ነው። የመንግስት አቋምና አቅጣጫም ይሄ ነው። ችግሩ በተጨባጭ የተጀመረ ስራ ግን ጥቂት መሆኑ ነው፣ ችግሩ እንዳለ አለ!

      አንድ ፍትሃዊ ጥያቄ ባነሳህ ቁጥር “ዘረኛ፣ፅንፈኛ” የሚሉ ታርጋዎችን ለጥፈውብህ “ዝም” ሊያሰኙህ ይፈልጋሉ!
      ኢንጅነር ተሊላ ዴሬሳ ጉተማ

      Via Worku Bedada Waktola

      ኢትዮጵያዊ ስሞች?
      የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ አውሮፕላኖች ዋና ዋና ስሞች፣

      3)ET-AOR….አዲስ አበባ
      4)ET-ASK…ራስ ዳሽን
      5)ET-AOO….ጣና ሀይቅ
      7)ET-AOP…ንግስት ሳባ
      ET-ATQ….የሰሜን ተራራ
      9) ET-AUA…የሰሜን ቀበሮ
      10)ET-AOT…ዋልያ አይቤክስ
      11)ET-AZI…አደይ አበባ
      14)ET-ANN…ብሉ ናይል
      በጃንሆይ ጊዜ የወጡት እንዳለ ሆኖ በቅርብ ጊዜ የወጡትም ላይ መሻሻል እንደሌለ ኢንጅነር ተሊላ በሞዓ ቲቪ ላይ ሲዘረዝር ከሰማነው ተረድተናል!
      ለአየር መንገዳችን ክብር አለን። ነገር ግን ሀገሪቷን መምሰል አለበት ብለን እናምናለን። ከተፈለገ ይሄንን ማድረግ ቀላል ነው። ካልተፈለገ ደግሞ ምክንያቶቹን ማወቅ እንፈልጋለን!
      ከኦሮሚያ ስሞች ጠፍተው ነው? ወይስ ፈረንጆች ዘንድ ተቀባይነት የለውም ተብሎ ተፈርቶ ነው?
      ወደፊት በጋራ እንዳንራመድ የሚከለከሉን ብዙ ጥቃቅን ነገሮች አሉ! ደግሞም እነዚህ ጥቃቅን ነገሮች ለአንድነት እንቅፋት ከመሆናቸው ውጭ የትኛውንም ህዝብ የማይጠቅሙ ናቸው!
      ♦️በስም የትኛው ህዝብ ተጠቀመ-ግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች ካልሆኑ?
      ለሀገር የሚጠቅመውን እንስራ!
      ሁሉንም ተቋማት በመላው ህዝብና ሀገር መልክ እንቅረፃቸው! ያነ ትንንሽ ነገሮች ተረስተው ሁሉም ወደ ትልልቅ ቁም ነገሮች ፊቱን ያዞራል!

      Via Worku Bedada Waktola

      Australian School Libraries Share: The Impact of AI on School Libraries

      It’s encouraging to see that school librarians are decidedly focused on the future.

      In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about significant changes in various industries, including education. Australian school libraries are not exempt from this transformation. AI has the potential to positively impact school libraries by enhancing personalized learning experiences and providing valuable resources tailored to students’ interests and learning styles [1].

      1. Personalized Learning Experiences:
      AI algorithms can analyze student data and provide tailored recommendations for resources that align with their individual needs. This personalized approach helps students engage more effectively with the learning materials and promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By leveraging AI, school libraries can offer a more customized learning experience for students [1].

      2. Resource Recommendation Systems:
      AI-powered recommendation systems can assist school librarians in curating and suggesting relevant resources to students. These systems take into account factors such as reading level, subject matter, and student preferences to provide targeted recommendations. This not only saves time for librarians but also ensures that students have access to high-quality resources that meet their specific needs [1].

      3. Information Retrieval and Research:
      AI technologies can enhance information retrieval and research capabilities within school libraries. AI-powered search engines can analyze and categorize vast amounts of information, making it easier for students to find relevant and reliable sources for their research projects. Additionally, AI can assist in evaluating the credibility and accuracy of online information, helping students develop critical thinking skills and avoid misinformation [3].

      4. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Detection:
      AI can play a crucial role in addressing academic integrity concerns, particularly in the context of plagiarism. AI-powered tools can analyze student work and compare it to a vast database of existing content to identify potential instances of plagiarism. By integrating AI into the school library system, educators can promote academic honesty and ensure that students develop proper research and citation skills [3].

        Learn more:

        1. Australian Libraries Share: The Impact of AI on School Libraries
        2. AI in Education: An opportunity for School Libraries
        3. Australian School Library Association – Online store product