IntechOpen Continues Partnership With Book Aid International, Making Books Available to Education-Disrupted Countries in Africa and Beyond

Happy #WorldBookDay! Let’s ensure everyone has access to books to enrich, improve, and transform lives! We are proud to continue our partnership with Book Aid International and announce a second donation to the UK’s leading book donation and library support charity. We keep sharing the vision and making books available to education-disrupted countries.

* IntechOpen

IntechOpen, a leading publisher of Open Access books, is proud to announce its ongoing partnership with Book Aid International, the UK’s leading international book donation and library support charity. This collaboration aims to support progress and equity in research and education in education-disrupted countries, particularly in Africa and beyond [1].

The Importance of Accessible Knowledge
Access to information, knowledge, and research is crucial for the development and advancement of societies. However, many low-income countries, especially those affected by conflict or with limited resources, face significant challenges in accessing educational materials and resources. This partnership between IntechOpen and Book Aid International aims to bridge this gap and ensure that valuable research and educational content are accessible to everyone, regardless of their geographical location or economic circumstances [1].

Donation of Books
As part of this partnership, IntechOpen has donated a selection of books to Book Aid International. These books cover a wide range of topics in science, technology, and medicine, representing the viewpoints of world-renowned scientists who have made significant contributions to their fields. The collection includes works by authors who have won or been nominated for the Nobel Prize, as well as some of the most cited authors worldwide [1].

Supporting Education-Disrupted Countries
Book Aid International focuses its work on low-income countries in Africa and other regions where education has been disrupted due to conflict or where universities have limited access to new books. By collaborating with Book Aid International, IntechOpen aims to provide brand new books to hospitals, universities, and public libraries around the world, helping to build the next generation of professionals and change-makers [1].

The Significance of the Partnership
Alison Tweed, Chief Executive at Book Aid International, expressed her pride in collaborating with IntechOpen, emphasizing the shared belief that information, knowledge, and research should be accessible to everyone. This partnership allows IntechOpen’s publications to reach researchers and professionals in countries with limited access to online resources, furthering the goal of making knowledge available to all [1].

Dr. Sara Uhac, Chief Executive Officer at IntechOpen, highlighted the importance of this initiative for the organization. By partnering with Book Aid International, IntechOpen can support the dissemination of its publications to researchers and professionals in education-disrupted countries. The long-standing commitment of Book Aid International to sharing the power of books aligns perfectly with IntechOpen’s mission, and the organization looks forward to continuing its support in the years to come [1].

The partnership between IntechOpen and Book Aid International represents a significant step towards promoting progress and equity in research and education in education-disrupted countries. By donating books and making valuable research accessible, this collaboration aims to empower individuals and institutions with the knowledge they need to drive positive change and contribute to the development of their communities [1].

Learn more:

  1. IntechOpen Donated Books to Book Aid International, Supporting Progress and Equity in Research and Education | IntechOpen
  2. Opportunities and Challenges of Adopting MOOCs in Africa: A Systematic Literature Review | IntechOpen
  3. Our vision 2025 – Book Aid International

In celebration of World Book Day, we honor our partners: Book Aid International, Books For Africa, and the International Law Book Facility.

World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, is an annual event celebrated on April 23rd in over 100 countries around the world. This special day, recognized by UNESCO, aims to promote the love of reading, writing, publishing, translations, and copyright.


we must recognize the profound impact of books in forging connections across time—past, present, and future—and express our gratitude to our partner organizations: Book Aid International, Books For Africa, and the International Law Book Facility, for their unwavering support and dedication to promoting literacy and education.

* Mulugeta Woldetsadik, Librarian and Coordinator of Books Donation Projects in the Sidama Region, at Hawassa University, Ethiopia.

We are proud to maintain our partnership with Book Aid International , Books For Africa. and International Law Book Facility

21st Century Information & Libraries Network (21st Century INFOLIBNET) is a prominent platform that promotes literacy and education in the Sidama region of Ethiopia through networked partners BAI, BFA, and ILBF.

21st Century INFOLIBNET invites all interested individuals, non-profit organizations and governmental organizations to spread the love of reading by donating books to libraries, schools, or charitable organizations.

Help provide access to educational resources for those who may not have easy access to books!!!


we must recognize the profound impact of books in forging connections across time—past, present, and future—and express our gratitude to our partner organizations: Book Aid International, Books For Africa, and the International Law Book Facility, for their unwavering support and dedication to promoting literacy and education

Mulugeta Woldetsadik, Librarian and Coordinator of Books Donation Projects in the Sidama Region, at Hawassa University, Ethiopia. – 21st Century INFOLIBNET


World Book Day is a global celebration dedicated to books and reading. It aims to promote the power of books to educate, entertain, and bridge divides. In this blog post, we will explore how we can celebrate World Book Day by supporting three important organizations: Book Aid International, Books For Africa, and International Law Book Facility.

1. Book Aid International:

Book Aid International is a charity that works to increase access to books and support literacy in developing countries. They provide books, resources, and training to libraries, schools, and universities in Africa and around the world. Here are some ways we can celebrate World Book Day with Book Aid International:

* Donate Books: Consider donating books to Book Aid International. Your donation can help provide educational resources to communities in need [1].

* Fundraise: Organize a fundraising event or campaign to support Book Aid International’s work. Every donation can make a difference in promoting literacy and education [5].

* Volunteer: Explore volunteering opportunities with Book Aid International. You can contribute your time and skills to help sort, pack, and distribute books to those who need them [5].

2. Books For Africa:

Books For Africa is a non-profit organization that collects, sorts, ships, and distributes books to children and adults in Africa. They aim to end the book famine in Africa and promote literacy and education. Here’s how we can celebrate World Book Day with Books For Africa:

* Donate Books: Consider donating books to Books For Africa. Your contribution can help provide educational resources to schools and libraries in Africa [2].

* Support Fundraising Initiatives: Participate in fundraising initiatives organized by Books For Africa. Your support can help cover the costs of shipping books to Africa and supporting their programs [2].

* Spread Awareness: Share information about Books For Africa on social media or through word-of-mouth. By raising awareness, you can help more people understand the importance of access to books and education [2].

3. International Law Book Facility:

The International Law Book Facility (ILBF) is an organization that supports the development of legal education and access to justice in developing countries. They provide legal textbooks and resources to law libraries and institutions. Here’s how we can celebrate World Book Day with the ILBF:

* Advocate: Raise awareness about the importance of legal education and access to justice. By advocating for these issues, you can help create positive change and support the work of organizations like the ILBF [3].

* Donate Legal Books: Consider donating legal books to the ILBF. Your donation can help law students and professionals in developing countries access essential legal resources [4].

* Volunteer: Explore volunteer opportunities with the ILBF. You can contribute your skills and expertise to support their work in promoting legal education and access to justice [4].


World Book Day is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading and support organizations that promote literacy and education. By partnering with Book Aid International, Books For Africa, and the International Law Book Facility, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

Read more:

  1. Book Aid International
  2. Books For Africa
  3. International Law Book Facility
  4. World Book Day 2024 – Ideas and Activities | National Literacy Trust | National Literacy Trust
  5. World Book Day 2024
  6. World Book Day 2024 – Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024
  7. World Book and Copyright Day 2024: Date, history, significance of the day – Hindustan Time

2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand Compiled

Did you know? Librarians are now recognized as a high-demand profession according to the National List. This highlights the crucial role they play in our education and knowledge management systems.

The Department of Higher Education and Training has just unveiled the 2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand. This essential resource, available in Sabinet Gazettes, spotlights professions facing critical skill shortages in South Africa.

The 2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand has been compiled by the higher education and training department [1]. This list is designed to improve the responsiveness of the post-school education and training (PSET) system to the needs of the economy and South Africa’s broader developmental objectives. It identifies occupations that show strong employment, wage, and vacancy growth, indicating that employers are likely to recruit for these positions in the medium term.

Purpose of the List
The National List of Occupations in High Demand serves several purposes within the PSET system [1]:

1. Enrolment Planning: It serves as a signpost for enrolment planning at universities, TVET Colleges, and other education and training institutions.

2. Qualification Development: It signals the need for the development of new qualifications, especially to respond to new and emerging occupations and skills needs.

3. Resource Allocation: It guides and informs resource allocation processes.

4. Career Guidance: It informs career guidance for learners and work-seekers.

Review and Publication
The List will be reviewed every two years, subject to availability of resources and consideration of processes. The plan is to publish the next List of Occupations in High Demand in 2026 [1].

High-Paying In-Demand Jobs
While the specific occupations on the 2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand are not mentioned in the search results, it is worth noting that high-paying in-demand jobs that don’t require a degree are also available. According to research from McKinsey & Co., trade jobs in the U.S. skilled labor market are facing record-high pressure [2]. Labor shortages, amplified by disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, have led to increased competition for talent and rising wages for skilled trade jobs.

Some of the most in-demand trade jobs in the U.S. include construction superintendent, manufacturing production manager, and journeyman plumber [2]. These jobs offer strong job security and median salaries ranging from $61,500 to $84,600.


  1. 2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand compiled-Sabinet
  2. High-paying in-demand jobs that don’t require a degree, according to new research-CNBC Make It
  3. High Demand Occupations | U.S. Department of Labor