7 Skills Every Library and Information Science Professional Needs to Know

A love of the profession contributes to a successful career in library and information science. What other qualities and skills keep librarians at the top of their game?

Equip yourself with the 7 skills in this blog post…

Contemporary libraries are hotbeds of technological advancements in sync with our digital age. Image from Pexels

Library and Information Science (LIS) is a dynamic field that requires professionals to constantly adapt to new technologies and changing information needs. To scale your career in this field, it is essential to develop a diverse set of skills and stay updated with the latest trends. In this blog post, we will explore some key areas that can help you excel in your LIS career.

1. Embrace Technology [1]:

Technology plays a crucial role in modern libraries. As an LIS professional, it is important to have a strong foundation in technology. Some essential technology skills include:

  • Familiarity with integrated library systems (ILS) software.
  • Proficiency in Apple and Microsoft operating systems.
  • Knowledge of instructional design products and literacy software.
  • Understanding of intellectual/copyright management systems and integrated search tools.

2. Adapt to Change [1]:

Keeping pace with changes in technology, pedagogy, policy, and culture is vital for success in the LIS field. Develop skills in change management to support organizational culture and facilitate seamless transitions. Stay updated with emerging trends and be open to learning new technologies and approaches.

3. Foster Creativity and Innovation [1]:

To provide relevant and compelling library services, LIS professionals need to embrace creativity, innovation, and independent judgment. These skills are particularly important for effective outreach to communities and the development of youth services and education programs.

4. Develop Digital Literacy Skills [1]:

Digital literacy is a core focus for LIS professionals. It involves the ability to locate, evaluate, and communicate information through new technologies. Stay updated with digital libraries, digital writing techniques, and teach students to engage critically with digital information.

5. Master Digital Information Management [1]:

Managing digital information is a critical aspect of an LIS professional’s job. This includes records management, preservation of special collections, and cataloging and indexing large amounts of data. Develop skills in organizing and preserving digital resources effectively.

6. Cultivate Collaboration [1]:

Collaboration with diverse communities, libraries, schools, and nonprofits is essential for the success of libraries and the communities they serve. Building relationships can help identify gaps in services and provide support during crises.

7. Utilize Marketing and Social Media [1]:

In today’s digital age, it is important for LIS professionals to be savvy in marketing and social media. Utilize these tools to stay connected with young adults, reach underserved populations, and promote library events and services.

Learn more:

  1. Essential Skills For Library & Information Science Graduates – Noodle.com
  2. Technologies librarians need to know – Information & library jobs | careers | recruiting services
  3. Guidelines for Choosing a Master’s Program in Library and Information Studies | Education & Careers

Discover the Power of Oromo Literature Online!

You can subscribe and buy online an Oromo Literature Audio Books from…https://oromobook.com


Oromo literature is a rich and vibrant tradition that has been passed down through generations of the Oromo people, one of the largest ethnic groups in the Horn of Africa. While the Oromo have a strong oral tradition, their literature has not been extensively documented in written form. However, with the advent of the internet and digital platforms, the power of Oromo literature is now being discovered and shared online. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Oromo literature, its role in environmental conservation, and how it is being preserved and accessed through online platforms.

The Significance of Oromo Literature

Oromo literature plays a crucial role in preserving the culture, history, and knowledge of the Oromo people. Through their oral literature, the Oromo express their indigenous knowledge, customs, beliefs, and values [1]. It serves as a storehouse of wisdom, transmitting important societal institutions, traditions, and crafts from one generation to another [1]. Oromo oral literature encompasses various genres, including folksongs, poetry, and proverbs, which contribute to shaping the Oromo society and its environment from cultural, historical, and sociological perspectives [1].

Oromo Literature for Environmental Conservation

One fascinating aspect of Oromo literature is its connection to environmental conservation. The Oromo people have a deep appreciation for nature and recognize their cultural relationship with it [1]. Their oral literature reflects this close bond and provides insights into their wisdom of interaction between humans and the natural world [1]. Folksongs, in particular, have been found to contain environmental ideas and messages, alerting people to the importance of wise usage and conservation of the environment [1].

Preserving and Accessing Oromo Literature Online

In the past, Oromo oral literature was primarily studied by anthropologists and art historians, resulting in limited documentation and transmission of knowledge [1]. However, with the rise of online platforms, the power of Oromo literature is now being harnessed and shared with a wider audience. Online resources provide a platform for the collection, classification, and critical analysis of Oromo folksongs and other oral literary genres [1].

Through online databases, scholarly articles, and digital archives, researchers and enthusiasts can access and study Oromo literature for a better understanding of the Oromo culture and its relationship with the environment. These digital platforms also facilitate the preservation and transmission of Oromo oral literature to future generations, ensuring its continued relevance and significance.

You can subscribe and buy online an Oromo Literature Audio Books from http://www.oromobook.com [4].


The power of Oromo literature is now being discovered and celebrated online. Through the internet, Oromo folksongs, poetry, and other oral literary genres are being preserved, studied, and shared with a wider audience. This not only contributes to the preservation of the Oromo culture but also provides valuable insights into the Oromo people’s wisdom of interaction with the environment. By exploring and embracing the power of Oromo literature online, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage and environmental consciousness of the Oromo people.


  1. “Oromo Oral Literature for Environmental Conservation: A Study of Selected Folksongs in East and West Hararghe Zones” – Humanities | Free Full-Text | Oromo Oral Literature for Environmental Conservation: A Study of Selected Folksongs in East and West Hararghe Zones [1]
  2. “Boran cattle breed: production, reproduction and adaptation traits” – Grafiati [2]

Learn more:

  1. Humanities | Free Full-Text | Oromo Oral Literature for Environmental Conservation: A Study of Selected Folksongs in East and West Hararghe Zones
  2. Journal articles: ‘Oromo literature’ – Grafiati
  3. (PDF) oromo oral literature written by Eshete gemeda | Leta Tesfa – Academia.edu
  4. Oromo Book-Sagalee Kitaabaa

Ethiopia: Anniversary of 128th Adwa Victory Day

Colourful Celebrations of the 128th Commemoration Adwa Victory Day: For the first time and onwards the celebration will take place in Finfinne_Addis Ababa, where people gather at Adwa Zero Zero Kilo Meter Museum the newly built Adwa Victory Memorial Museum around the vicinity of Finfinne_Addis Ababa City Administration at the heart of Addis Ababa. The commemoration involves various events and activities throughout the country Festivities include cultural performances, parades, speeches, and exhibitions that showcase Ethiopia’s rich nation and nationalities’ history and heritage. Moreover, the commemoration of Adwa Victory Day involves various events and activities throughout the country

Live Video at Finfinne _Addis Ababa…https://youtu.be/oqOGLGuR3m4?t=132

Ethiopia commemorates the 128th Adwa Victory Day on March 2nd, a significant national holiday that marks the historic Battle of Adwa in 1896. This momentous event symbolizes Ethiopia’s triumph over Italian colonization and serves as a reminder of the country’s resilience and determination to maintain its independence. Let’s delve into the significance of this day and how it is celebrated.

The Battle of Adwa:

The Battle of Adwa, which took place on March 1, 1896, in Adwa, Ethiopia, was a pivotal moment in African history. Ethiopian forces, led by Emperor Menelik II, successfully repelled the invading Italian army, becoming the first African nation to defeat a European colonial power [1]. This victory not only preserved Ethiopia’s independence but also inspired other African nations in their fight against colonialism.

Significance of Adwa Victory:

1. Symbol of African Independence: The triumph at Adwa became a symbol of African independence and unity, inspiring freedom struggles across the continent [2].

2. Preservation of Ethiopian Sovereignty: Ethiopia’s victory ensured that it remained the only African nation to escape European colonization, preserving its sovereignty and cultural heritage [2].

3. Inspiration for Global Movements: The Adwa victory has served as an inspiration for oppressed communities worldwide, igniting resistance against oppression and colonialism [2].

Commemoration of Adwa Victory Day:

1. National Holiday: Adwa Victory Day is a national holiday in Ethiopia, observed on March 2nd each year. It is a day of remembrance and celebration of Ethiopia’s historic achievement [2].

 2. Colourful Celebrations of the 128th Commemoration Adwa Victory Day: For the first time and onwards the celebration will take place in Finfinne_Addis Ababa, where people gather at Adwa Zero Zero Kilo Meter Museum the newly built Adwa Victory Memorial Museum [4] around the vicinity of Addis Ababa City Administration at the heart of Finfinne_Addis Ababa. The commemoration involves various events and activities throughout the country Festivities include cultural performances, parades, speeches, and exhibitions that showcase Ethiopia’s rich nation and nationalities’ history and heritage. Moreover, the commemoration of Adwa Victory Day involves various events and activities throughout the country

3. Reflection and Gratitude: Adwa Victory Day is a time for reflection on the sacrifices made by Ethiopian heroes and gratitude for their bravery and determination in defending the nation’s independence [2].

Read more:

  1. Memorial inaugurated in Ethiopia to commemorate victory …
  2. Adwa Victory Day – Wikipedia
  3. Adwa Victory Day to be marked on new grounds – Capital Newspaper
  4. 21st Century Information and Library Network-Infolibnet