Managing Political Tensions Strategies to counter hate, extremism, and violence on campus

ORDER YOUR COPY:Managing Political TensionsStrategies to counter hate, extremism, and violence on campus
 The deadly events at Charlottesville in 2017 served as a warning to campus leaders: Colleges can’t hide from societal tensions. They must acknowledge and work to resolve them, while building a campus culture that is both empathetic and alert to perils.

This new, 48-page issue brief from The Chronicle, Managing Political Tensionswill help leaders understand the roots of rising political polarization, anti-intellectualism, and hate speech, among other trends. And it will provide them with tools to educate their communities and thwart, or at least de-escalate, threats to their campuses.
  Purchase this issue brief to learn:
* Why political polarization and hostility toward higher education have grown in recent years
* How to monitor and de-escalate potential threats
* Why colleges should promote civic, media, and racial literacy
* How to find the right balance between shielding communities from hate groups and educating them about such threatsOrder Today